There is a new Clickomania version for Linux available, that is true to the original and a lot of fun.
Schlagwort: Clickomania
Hurray, Clickomania is now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s just a pity that the game wasn’t made by me – otherwise the implementation would most likely be even better.
I was quite surprised when I found my great Windows game as a rock song on Youtube the other day. Coincidence or a reminiscence? I guess we’ll never know.
I often get inquiries about Clickomania’s compatibility with new operating system versions. The short answer is that the game runs. The long answer contains various relativizations and limitations – and tips for solving problems.
Zum zweiten Geburtstag gibt es fürs Blog ein frisches Theme.
The author acknowledges causing addiction with Clickomania, yet ironically suffers from a personal addiction to solitaire games. Despite recognizing the issue, he suggests that if they were paid for each solitaire win, they could aid the global financial crisis.
Der App Store von Apple eröffnet am iPhone eine neue Wunderwelt von neuen Software-Möglichkeiten. Sieben Apps, die ich mir bis gegönnt habe und für empfehlenswert halte.
Bernd is the all-time-hero in the annals of Clickomania: His record is probably unbeatable.
Phun is a 2D physics sandbox, which would come in handy for the next version of Clickomania.
My game Clickomania saw the light of the internet ten years ago. Thanks to all the players who made it a worldwide shareware hit.
The game that gave the website its name here is turning ten years old. This gives me the opportunity to finally reveal the dark – and unfortunately quite embarrassing – secret of where the inspiration for Clickomania came from.
There are several blogs that use the same title as I do here. Therefore, I can not avoid a competitive review. With, well, mixed results.